by Megan McCafferty. I had seen these books in bookstores before, but I hadn't had time to check them out. After reading Writer's Digest's February feature on Megan McCafferty, I decided I had to make time to read Sloppy Firsts.
Marcus Flutie is the archetype bad boy who reforms and woos the class brainiac. Over the course of the series, Second Helpings, Charmed Thirds, and Fourth Comings, Marcus develops as a complex character. Marcus and Jessica, the narrator of the books, develop a relationship junior and senior years of high school, go off to college, get first jobs, and grow up over the course of the series. The final book in the series, Perfect Fifths, will be released in April.
Marcus Flutie is better than Edward Cullen because:
1. he grows up
2. he isn't perfect
3. he doesn't stalk his girlfriend
4. he is a more complex character
5. he doesn't unreasonably raise women's expectations of the real men in their lives
I can't wait for Perfect Fifths to see how this series winds up!
I'm VERY excited for Perfect Fifths to come out... I already have it reserved on Amazon!
marcus flutie is far supeior to edward're so right! and the support you give is spot-on.
i just reviewed perfect fifths on my blog and am hosting a giveaway of all 5 jessica darling books--contest ends tomorrow. yay!
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